Quality of Life
GVS with strategic partner/s aims to offer the next generations’ assets, for a better future and a healthier and secure way of Life.
Governments embodies, Business and consumers will need to learn how to manage new resources for better life. The GVS’ Hyper-Global-Mapping capabilities will be able to support the needed data across privet and public entities, embodies and nations.
The HyperEye-MACRO, enabling users to quickly identify and respond to contaminate objects (e.g. plants, drinks, food and etc.) this threat.
In today’s Covid-19 pandemic testing, the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is recognized as the gold standard laboratory technique. Current RT-PCR methods require complex clinical sampling, preparation, lac operations, and expert operators to reduce false negatives.
GreenVision Systems (GVS) has developed and field-validated HyperEye-CPD [ID] for rapid onsite personnel health condition testing with near real-time results, this enable a safe working conditions across time.
The HyperEye-CPD [ID] can identify infected personal (by specific pathogen, virus (e.g. SARS-CoV-2)) that aims to enter the facility, within few mins after taken saliva sample from the personnel.