Airborne biological particles and aerosols can cause disease. Onsite inspections for detection of harmful chemicals (PM), bioaerosol, and aerosol will reduce heaths risks.

Protecting the environment with remote (large areas) sensing data using providing critical information for better understanding the complex interactions between the land surfaces, water reservue, urban and rural regions.

GreenVision Systems (GVS) Air Pollution Suite (APS™) is an innovative solution, for providing a unique near-real-time assessment of the sources contributing to outdoor ambient air and indoor air quality.

GVS with strategic partner/s aims to offer the next generations’ assets, for a better future and a healthier and secure way of Life.

Based on its patented and field proven HSI (Hyper-Spectral Imaging) systems, GVS provides the next level of healthcare risks reduction solution and environmental assessment services including: resources Water contamination, outdoor/indoor Air pollution, and Soil Quality Monitoring; replacing complex, lengthy, offline processes with near real-time early-warning capabilities;

The GVS proprietary and patented product suite provides solutions that are tailor-made to the needs of each organization, due to its modular design. It includes products for real-time data collection in the field (HyperEye®-RS [G]/[Av], HyperEye-AP [PM]/[ID] platforms), integrated network communication (INSIP-20 ™ software) and analysis in a central location (FIPA 20/40®, HyperEye-MICRO, HyperEye-MACRO systems).